

About Me

.. this is another day in my life.

once upon a
time, or maybe twice.
good morning cupcake.

my name is seydi sarahi. born in new york city. moved to chicago on my eighth birthday. have three older brothers. full blown hypochondria.prefer music on vinyl.pescetarian, only fish.overcast weather.always tired, but never sleeping.petite.nostalgia.sushi addiction.constantly dancing.i pronounce milk melk.anxiety, headaches.always cold.sleeps with t.v on.

Life and death, energy and peace. If I stop today it was still worth it. Even the terrible mistakes that I made and would have unmade if I could. The pains that have burned me and scarred my soul, it was worth it, for having been allowed to walk where I've walked, which was to hell on earth, heaven on earth, back again, into, under, far in between, through it, and above.i do not believe in therapy. i am a strong believer of love, karma and fate. everything in life happens for a reason. people are always going to try and bring you down, but you can't let that get in your way. everything i do has to be visually appealing to me. i am always tired. i get anxiety attacks like its part of my daily routine. i have bad hypochondria and im always convinced something is wrong with me. i read my horoscope everyday. i dont like being in the same place for more than a few weeks. i constantly want to travel. i wear over sized shirts as dresses, i have never been a fan of pants. i can watch the movie yellow submarine on repeat for days. i wear more bracelets and rings than the average person. i hate whistling. i can't stand silence, so i sleep with the t.v on. ive grown up in chicago and it is a big part of who i am. my heart belongs in new york and always will. no where else feels like home. waking up with him is the best feeling. i prefer night time because i love gazing at stars. im sensitive. i eat too much sushi and take too many bubble baths. no one can compare to my brothers, they are the world to me. my mom is one of the strongest people i know, and always knows the right thing to say. my dad is a very driven, hard working man, and he is always there for me. he has taught me so much about the art world, and i am thankful for that. im the most organized mess in town. i could dance for hours. people always tell me im the hardest person to figure out, and i like it that way.
Name seydi sarahi hernandez
Gender Female
Age 20
Location Chicago, IL
Ethnicity Hispanic
Interested in Men
Status Single
TV tv is over rated
Quotes hello,i love you.


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Registered Feb 26, 2009
Last update Feb 26, 2009

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